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Big Bang Theory


The vast empty space surrounding the planets and stars is called as the universe. It consists of dark matter,dark energy ,stars and galaxies. Both cyclic and unpredictable processes are found to happen in the universe. Cosmology is the study of nature and origin of the universe. Thousands of years before smartphones or Mario Kart, people entertained themselves by peering at the night sky and connecting the stars to create pictures called constellations- of animals ,objects and legendary heroes. Today ,the heavens are no less entertaining but a bit mysterious mystery where so many great minds working to solve the unlock puzzles of secrets.
Universe is believed to have originated about 15 billion years ago through big bang (Lemaitre,1931) or thermonuclear explosion of an extremely sense entity. It began to expand. Cosmic material is still expanding.

Big Bang theory

The 'big bang' is the name for the leading  theory behind the birth of everything:atoms,light ,gravity ,gases, stars, planets,galaxies and even time itself. Inflationary big bang model is the generally accepted theory for the origin of universe.

Points of view

There are two points of view on what constituted the big bang. According to the first of these ,known as the Gamow big bang theory (1946),about 1.5 billion years ago,an ultra dence elementary particle exploded. From the products of the explosion, our universe was formed. Since then,it has been continuously expanding and as a result of this,the galaxies scatter and signal it with a red shift in their spectra. Over time ,as the distance from the observer on earth increases, the expansion rate increases.
The second point of view arose from the insolvency of ideas about the explosion of a kind of  "cosmic egg", which was the explosion of the largest nuclear bomb. This point of view boils down to the assertion that " space" exploded, and not a material object. According to the second point of view, the expanding space entrains the galaxies. Because of this ,galaxies dispense and in accordance with the Dopper Law,signal this by extending the length of the light wave. At the same time the mechanism of interaction of material objects with space is not developed.

If something existed before all the nothing

Short answer :- nothing, nada , zip.
One theory : our universe is caught in an endless loop of explosions or crunches. In billions and billions of years , the iron grip of gravity will slow the growth of the universe and then pull everything back towards its center- a process called as "big crunch". Planets,stars and galaxies will slowly collapse back into the singularity that started it all kicking off another big bang and a brand new universe.
According to another theory ,our universe is just one of many ,many alternate universes, in a vast " multiverse". When two of these universes interact at the quantum level,it kicks off a big bang and the birth of yet another alternate universe.

Weaknesses of the big bang theory

Most ,but not all cosmologists favor the inflationary big bang model as a viable explanation for the origin and nature of the universe. The origin of the big bang ,that is , the state of "existence", which resulted in a big bang ,is a mathematically obscure state- a " singularity " of zero volume that contained infinite density and infinite energy. Why this singularity existed , how it originated ,and why it exploded, cannot be explained, and this state of affairs has led many scientists to question and challenge the validity of the big bang theory.
There is considerable evidence which has been interpreted as supporting a big bang origin of the universe, i.e,expansion and acceleration. However, it has also been pointed out than an accelerated expansion limited to the most distant regions of the known universe ,is incompatible with an explosive origin ,but instead is indicative of an attractive force, i.e, a "universe- in- mass" black hole whose super-gravity is effecting redshifts and illuminations ,creating the illusion of a universe which is accelerating as it speeds away,when instead the stars closest to the hole are speeding faster towards there doom. Other scientists have also pointed out that the interpretation of red shifts as supporting a big bang, is also flawed and lacking validity. In fact ,there is a little support of the evidences to belief that red shifts are accurate measures of distance or time.
Van Flandern (2002),former chief astronomer for tgalaxiesnited states navel observatory has detailed 30 major problems with the big bang theory,including it's reliance on ad hoc theorizing to paper over glaring inconsistencies, it's reliance on constantly adjustable parameters to prevent its falsification and the fact that there are quasars ,large scale structures and globular clusters which are far older than the date given for the big bang.
Van Flandern (2002) also notes that the " big bang offers no explanation for the kind of intensity variations with wavelength seen in radio galaxies ",which he believes must be a function of absorption by unknown stellar material within deep space." The amount of radiation emitted by distant galaxies falls with increasing wavelengths as expected if the longer wavelengths are scattered  by the intergalactic medium. Basically, this means that the longer wavelengths are more easily absorbed by material between the galaxies. But then the microwave radiation (between the two wavelengths) should be absorbed by that medium too,and has no chance to reach us from such great distances, or to remain perfectly uniform while doing so. It must instead result from the radiation of microwaves from the intergalactic medium. This argument alone implies that the microwaves could not be coming directly to us from a distance beyond all the galaxies and therefore, that the big bang theory cannot be correct ".


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