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Showing posts with the label Wave nature of radiation Maxwell theory Limitations of the electromagnetic wave theory

Wave nature of Electromagnetic Radiations

  Wave nature of Electromagnetic Radiations Maxwell , in 1873 , showed theoretically that an oscillating electrical circuit should radiate electromagnetic waves propagating with the velocity of light.  The main features of this theory are : 1 .  Energy may be emitted from any source such as heated rod or filament of a bulb through which electric current is passed. Energy is emitted continuously in the form of radiations (waves).  2.  These waves are associated with oscillating electric field and magnetic field. These two fields are perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the radiation as shown in the figure.  Fig: Oscillating electric and magnetic fields emitted by charged particles.  3.  The radiations possess wave nature. Their velocity is equal to the velocity of light, i.e, 3×10⁸ m/sec. The radiations are called electromagnetic radiations or electromagnetic waves.  4. Electromagnetic waves do not require any material medium for propagation.